The Study of Seminal Plasma on Telomerase in Human Cervical Cancer Cell Lines and Normal Cervical Epithelial Cells 精浆对人宫颈癌细胞系及正常宫颈上皮细胞端粒酶作用的研究
Entering Cd in the male gonads and seminal plasma may exert deleterious effects on the animal sperm cells. 进入雄性性腺和精浆的Cd可能对动物精子产生了破坏作用。
A spermatogonia were seminal cells, if A spermatogonia could grow and mature normally, which resulted in normal seminiferous function. A型精原细胞是睾丸生精过程中的种子细胞,如果A型精原细胞能正常增殖分化以及发育成熟,那么就能产生足够的成熟精子,则生精功能就能达到正常。
The value of classification diagnosis on azoospermia by seminal spermatogenic cells examination 精液生精细胞检查在无精子症鉴别诊断中的价值
Diets contain free-gossypol leves with total 110~ 138 ppm make a great deal of decreased in testosterone in blood of boars. The seminal cells had reduced and its arrangement were porous. 含游离棉酚110~138ppm的日粮足以使公猪血液睾丸酮大为降低,精细小管上皮细胞减少,排列疏松。
Potassium antimonate was employed to ultrastructurally locate calcium ions in seminal root apical meristematic cells of maize seedings subjected to flooding stress. 采用焦锑酸钾沉淀法,对遭受淹水胁迫的玉米幼苗初生根根尖分生细胞内钙离子分布变化情况进行了电镜细胞化学观察。